All posts in this blog are based solely on my own viewpoints unlesss otherwise stated.Should you disagree with me, either comment on site or just get out.Brainless comments will be remove immediately.

March 26, 2006

The new oppressive regime has began

Somewhere in a Day Detention Faculty, (DDF) an important meeting is taking place. The meeting is chair by Mr Duckoo, a recently appointed head of the DDF to replace the former Mrs Hobfoot, who, after a long and traumatizing term has finally decided that she had seen enough horrors in her job description to give her nightmares for the rest of her life. She was recently found to be suffering from Severe Trauma Shock and spent the rest of her days engaging in peaceful recreational pastimes like gardening and calligraphy.

Now back to the meeting.

"WHAT'S THIS?" yells a very disgruntled Mr Duckoo. "The inmates of DDF are getting more and more rebellious everyday! Our highly advanced and trained droids are finding it harder and harder to control these seventeen to nineteen year olds!Daily brainwashing sessions have been found to be totally useless! How am I going to answer to the powers that be?" Shouts an obviously frustrated Mr Duckoo from his tall platform. "I want some answers NOW!" He screams at his team of dedicated subjects, kicking his dangling legs against the back of his chair in agitation.

"Mr Duckoo, our checks have shown that there is nothing wrong with the droids. The daily brainwashing sessions have been found to cause an admirable increase in the stress levels of the inmates, some of them even showing signs of insanity. However, there seems to be other factors hindering our process of extreme conditioning, and these requires immediate correction. I'm afraid that if conditions are allowed to deteriorate further, the currently batch of inmates scheduled to be released at the end of this year might not be good enough for the government's usage. This might in turn affect the rank and prestige of the DDF, and the parental units might not trust us enough to deposit their products for further conditioning in times to come." Replies Mr Peckwig, glancing nervously at the platform occasionally.

"AND WHAT WILL BE THE HINDERING FACTORS THAT YOU SPOKE OF?" Mr Duckoo shouts, showering droplets of salivary amylase at his team.

Mr Peckwig faints.

"Sir, it seems that more stringent disciplinary measures are needed to be enforced on the inmates, for I have noticed that these rebellious inmates often turn up for information input sessions in the morning with severe breaches in the standard attire. The number of late comers has also shown increase in the recent months. Inmates have feedbacked that the information input sessions are held too early in the morning and the DDF's location is too far away from their comfort zone. However, I will advise you Mr Duckoo, to ignore all these as they are just stupid excuses. These inmates are getting too bold for their own good."Replies Mr Halwark, well known for his no nonsense attitude.

"Good point Halwark,"Mr Duckoo nods approvingly at his most loyal subject."So how are we going to go about torturing these inmates?"He asks, images of public whippings and humiliations running through his mind.

"Sir, I will suggest that a new and tougher set of rules to be written and given to each inmate. Failure of which the condemned inmate shall face serious consequences such as being made to stay back after information inputs sessions or be given more intense brainwashing sessions.Also, we can threaten them with the involvement of their parental units. This should do the trick as inmates hate to endure Nasty Advisory Guidance Sessions (N.A.G.S) which will be activated by the parental units upon such actions." Responds Ms Saicophant, smiling sweetly at Mr Duckoo.

"Very well thought out, Saicophant," Mr Duckoo smiles back. "That's it then. This is what we will do. It's time to show our power against these degrading youngsters. Mrs Hobfoot was too soft on them. It's time to make them suffer, to know who is boss. Me! Me!I shall rule you all! Haha...." Mr Duckoo said, before letting out a long manic laugh. Mr Peckwig reaches hurriedly for the bottle of medicine in Mr Duckoo's pocket and shove two tablets into his mouth.

" So Halwark, I will expect you to finalise the details of the new rules and punishments by the end of this week. Saicophant shall work with you. I want to give a talk to these inmates as soon as possible." Mr Duckoo said smoothly, as if what was said earlier had never taken place.

"Meeting dismissed." He manages to yawn, before climbing down the platform slowly.


DISCLAIMER: This story is ENTIRELY FICTIONAL. Any resemblance to persons LIVING OR DEAD is purely COINCIDENTAL.

Read and laugh


Objective: All students are expected to maintain neat appearance and good personal hygiene.

P Well-groomed and neatly in place
P Not touching the collar or ears
P No long side-burns, moustaches or beards
P No colouring, tinting or highlighting of hair
P Long hair length must be neatly tied up
P No colouring, tinting or highlighting of hair

P No earrings/studs
P Necklaces/Chains must be hidden by the college shirt
P No other types of jewellery is permitted unless due to religious reasons and permission from the college admin is granted
P One ear stud per ear
P No make up to be worn when in college attire
P Necklaces/Chains must be hidden by the college blouse.
P No other types of jewellery is permitted unless due to religious reasons and permission from the college admin is granted

P Must be of acceptable size/not too big
P Must be neatly tucked in
P College pin must be displayed prominently on the left shirt/blouse collar

P Must fit snugly at the waist
P Not too tight-fitting or excessively baggy
P Must fit snugly at the waist
P Must be of approx, 2.5 cm above the knee (max.)

College Tie
P Worn on Wednesdays between 7.30 am to 2.15 pm or whenever instructed to do so
P Tie knot must be positioned at the shirt/blouse collar
P Tip of the tie should reach the upper tip of the college pants/skirt whilst standing

Shoes & Socks
P Must fully conceal the feet
P Height must not exceed the ankle region ie. no high cut shoes or shoes reaching the calf region
P No luminous or unacceptable shoe/lace colours
P Socks must be worn


Serious offences or offences that jeopardises the college reputation or image, eg.:

· Open defiance
· Cheating
· Smoking/Consumption of controlled drugs
· Theft
· Vandalism
· Gambling
· Possession/Distribution of Undesirable materials (eg. Pornography, pirated intellectual property, etc)
· Defaming members of the college staff or inciting ethnic discord (either verbally or in written form ie. In weblogs)
· Other acts that may fall into this category


Geoffrey Chaucer Hath a Blog

Ok, It's not his blog really, but a literature fanatic's from London who probably spent his days studying Chaucer's work. Well, he did indicate in his profile that he likes A Knight's Tale and Canterbury's Tales. Haha. I have found my goal. I'm gonna decipher the entries of this guy as soon as my school starts on A Knight's Tale. Old English is quite interesting really, the beginning of our english and german language. Heh. Soon you will find me blogging like that guy.I think it's quite an effective code actually.=P

By the way, so far the only thing I can understand from this guy's blog is "Ich thonke yow from the bottome of my tankarde." Haha. This guy is serious man. He even posted extracts of Chaucer's work, and conduct some question- answer in Old English. Interesting.

Here's an example:

Sir -Ich wishe for adyce in the matter of fashion and armes. Ys it verrily a mistake to wear a lilyflour in my helm? (Ich have a shylde of golde.)


Mon Sire Thopas,By seinte Jerome, finallye someone who kan spelle! Messire Thopas, yow seem a man fair and gent, and Y sholde muchel relish for to tellen yowre tale. Ich shalle have myne peple calle yowre peple. As for the lilye? It dependeth how whethir yow wolde ben 'easte coaste' or 'weste coaste.'

Le Vostre G--

My betrothed, a most wicked man, betrayed me near as bad as Tereus did Procne. His woman of choice commited, though, that villainy which women do best, and tempted him away. Presently it is not legal, where I live, to have either of them killed for this treachery -- what shall I do to avenge the wrong they both have done to me, and to my virtue? Their joy at my grief does pain me so.

-Cor Fracta EstMa Cher Coeur Brisee

Thoughe y love a goode revenge tragedie as much as the nexte guye, y muste counsel yow to a bettre path. Yow sholde maken pece and kepe faithe, not wyth thyne betrothede nor wyth this womanlie Diomede, but rathir with yowrselfe. For vengence aperteneth and longeth al oonly to juges. Remembre yow that pacience is a greet vertu of perfeccioun, and remembre that ther are tymes ordained unto al thynges by the first moevere -- of the ookes, and of the hard stones, and of man and womman seen we also, in youthe as well as age, alle shal be dumped , a kyng as shall a page - som dumped on dates, som dumped by telephone, some dumped in compaignie, som dumped allone - ther helpeth noght, al goth that ilke weye.And thus, take two pintes of hagen dasz dulce de leche, a ful seson of buffie the vampyre slayre, and calle me in the morninge.

Le Vostre G

March 23, 2006

Nice poem

Hawk Roosting

I sit in the top of the wood, my eyes closed.
Inaction, no falsifying dream
Between my hooked head and hooked feet:
Or in sleep rehearse perfect kills and eat.

The convenience of the high trees!
The air's buoyancy and the sun's ray
Are of advantage to me;
And the earth's face upward for my inspection.

My feet are locked upon the rough bark.
It took the whole of Creation
To produce my foot, my each feather:
Now I hold Creation in my foot

Or fly up, and revolve it all slowly -
I kill where I please because it is all mine.
There is no sophistry in my body:
My manners are tearing off heads -
The allotment of death.

For the one path of my flight is direct
Through the bones of the living.
No arguments assert my right:

The sun is behind me.
Nothing has changed since I began.
My eye has permitted no change.
I am going to keep things like this

-- Ted Hughes

I love this poem so much! Sets all my imaginations and fantasies off. Haha. I can almost imagine myself as the hawk you know. Ahhh...I dont know why, but I have fallen in love with this poem. The hawk has always been one of my favourite birds and this poem is truly excellent! I love the way Ted Hughs protrayed the hawk....Ahhh....the confidence, the egoism, the boldness, the arrogance, the precision, sleekiness.

Hmm...on closer examination, I think the main reason why I love this poem was that the hawk was an exact personification of what I have always wanted to be in life. You know, that kind of confidence, the ambition driven kind. Living according to my own rules, my own philosophy of life, not affected by any external influence, no matter how harsh, "No arguments assert my right". Haha. Now you know my arrogant and stubborn nature.=P I like to be in control, to feel that I am in charge of a situation. To do what I like. To have the maturity to know what's right or wrong, and make my own decisions.

Hmm, that's enough for now I guess. I'm suppose to be studying for my literature paper tomorrow! Yeah here I am, doing an impromptu analysis of the poem and myself. (Actually that was quite fun!) Ahh...I want my boyfriend to be like the hawk, the perfect gentleman! Ok...that's very out of point. I'm starting to ramble. Better go now. Maybe I will do a more in depth analysis after my test tomorrow.=)

March 22, 2006


Just had an interesting conversation with Joshua regarding politics, opposition parties and censorship in Singapore...Something to think about yeah.

$(021,007,186)[·$12a·$(021,007,186)][·$12 ad infinitium© ·$(021,007,186)][·$12O·$(021,007,186)]·0 says:
actually you know something
·$(021,007,186)[·$12a·$(021,007,186)][·$12 ad infinitium© ·$(021,007,186)][·$12O·$(021,007,186)]·0 says:
im in support of brainwashing. u shld be too
·$(021,007,186)[·$12a·$(021,007,186)][·$12 ad infinitium© ·$(021,007,186)][·$12O·$(021,007,186)]·0 says:
cos i guess we are immune to it. mostly
·$(021,007,186)[·$12a·$(021,007,186)][·$12 ad infinitium© ·$(021,007,186)][·$12O·$(021,007,186)]·0 says:
it keeps ppl in line.
[P3St] Madness takes its toll. Please have exact change. says:
hmmm...i dun think i'm immune to brainwashing
[P3St] Madness takes its toll. Please have exact change. says:
i like to sneak out of plato's cave
·$(021,007,186)[·$12a·$(021,007,186)][·$12 ad infinitium© ·$(021,007,186)][·$12O·$(021,007,186)]·0 says:
thats cheating.
·$(021,007,186)[·$12a·$(021,007,186)][·$12 ad infinitium© ·$(021,007,186)][·$12O·$(021,007,186)]·0 says:
you're only supposed to look at the shadows...
··$(021,007,186)[·$12a·$(021,007,186)][·$12 ad infinitium© ·$(021,007,186)][·$12O·$(021,007,186)]·0 says:
did the sunlight blind your eyes?
[P3St] Madness takes its toll. Please have exact change. says:
it was hard at first, but i adapted
[P3St] Madness takes its toll. Please have exact change. says:
to be able to see the real wonders is far better than self delusion
[P3St] Madness takes its toll. Please have exact change. says:
·$(021,007,186)[·$12a·$(021,007,186)][·$12 ad infinitium© ·$(021,007,186)][·$12O·$(021,007,186)]·0 says:
sometimes ignorance is bliss
·$(021,007,186)[·$12a·$(021,007,186)][·$12 ad infinitium© ·$(021,007,186)][·$12O·$(021,007,186)]·0 says:
die happy when it CAVES in,
·$(021,007,186)[·$12a·$(021,007,186)][·$12 ad infinitium© ·$(021,007,186)][·$12O·$(021,007,186)]·0 says:
or fight for all eternity and never attain rest
[P3St] Madness takes its toll. Please have exact change. says:
you got a point there
·$(021,007,186)[·$12a·$(021,007,186)][·$12 ad infinitium© ·$(021,007,186)][·$12O·$(021,007,186)]·0 says:
u could gain happiness from fighting though
[P3St] Madness takes its toll. Please have exact change. says:
[P3St] Madness takes its toll. Please have exact change. says:
so you wanna remain in the cave?
·$(021,007,186)[·$12a·$(021,007,186)][·$12 ad infinitium© ·$(021,007,186)][·$12O·$(021,007,186)]·0 says:
well. after evaluating left and right and hearing most sides of the story
·$(021,007,186)[·$12a·$(021,007,186)][·$12 ad infinitium© ·$(021,007,186)][·$12O·$(021,007,186)]·0 says:
i dunno what to do.

Lolx. That was so amusing. Anyway, for the recent GP block test, I was stupid enough to do the question "Young people today do not really care about politics. Is this true for your country?" I think my essay sounded like a commentary or a blog entry. This is BAD. And it was hard trying to be subtle in slamming the government. Haha. Blame it on me reading too much stuff on Paper two was terrible. I find passage B very controversial. I mean, what's the link between NAZISM and MULTICULTURISM? This is just evidence that the school has finally realised the need to improve the GP standards by setting hard stuff so we will all freak and die. Yeah man. Hope to scrape through this time.

As for the history paper on tuesday, I think I'm done for. Hoping for a pass I guess. Econs was a major screw up today. I simply do not know what I was writing, and how to answer the questions. I was smoking most of the time, and MCQ was especially infuriating, for I remembered doing some of the questions but cant recall exactly how to do them! Sigh. I guesss I need more practice.

Literature will be the last paper on friday. Let's hope for some form of redemption to take place.

March 17, 2006

To study for the sake of learning

I will be having my block test in two days time. Surprisingly, I'm not feeling anything yet, while almost all my friends are stressing over the lack of time in their revision. It's time to ask myself why. I think the main reason why I'm feeling this way will be that I'm treating the block tests as a practice for myself. My oh-so-wonderful new principal has recently declared that the bottom 20 percent of the cohort shall faced the prospect of being forced to come to school from 9-5 everyday during the june holidays, or if it's really bad, go back to year one.It was also this announcement that has caused so much stress and anxiety amongst the student body.

Personally, I think that the new principal, to put it bluntly, is a highly ambitious man who believes in ruling with threats and intimidation for the sake of improving the school's standings. Well, being the rebellious student that I am, I am definitely not gonna have my feathers ruffled by such feeble attempts to make me study. To be studying just because I'm threatened to will be a shame to my pride. I have recognised that it is actually our responsibility to make the effort to study. It's not about getting good grades, or the fear of being retained. It's about gaining the knowledge and having the interest to like what we are doing.

Therefore, I'm doing things at my own pace. This block test will just be a practice to indicate how much more work I need to put in, which I suspect will be a fairly large amount anyway. Over the past few days I have been studying with the main aim of preparing for the A levels at the end of the year. Hmm...the progress wasnt been very good though, I have so far covered only 50% for each subject, give or take.But at least I feel that I'm actually learning something, and that is progress to me anyway. Special thanks to Allan yesterday for his online tutoring on the keynesian theory with his tablet PC and MSN. Haha. And the discussion with Mrs Gan on tuesday regarding King Lear has also made me developed a strong interest in the book. My findings with Great Expectations also provide some great insights into society's problems and injustice. Yupz. I'm kinda worried for SEA history though. The topic has never grew on me and I still find myself drifting off whenever I start on The Cambridge History To South East Asia. Hmmm...More effort needed I guess..And I am still having some doubts on dealing with source base questions. Argh.

Yeah. I have to admit that I will not be able to complete my revisions in time(Most probably you will find me cramming desprately at the last minute!), and the danger of becoming one of those condemned people under the new totalitarian regime is very real. But then, who cares? At least I know which direction I'm taking. And I'm actually begining to enjoy studying. =)

March 06, 2006


I did not go to school today. Woke up at 4 am to a nasty bout of diarrhoea and stomachache. Then at 6am I rushed to the toilet for the second time. Decided not to go to school because I dont want to be rushing in and out of the toilet for the whole day.

The female parental unit was of course, furious at my decision. She kept saying that I was just trying to find an excuse. Old hag, I really wanted to go to school ok? But I realised that there is no point rushing to school only to end up not concentrating. And I am really blardy hell sick, NOT FAKING IT as you had assumed. Yes. You compare me to your dear wonderful second daughter. The freaking nerd who LOVES SCHOOL so freaking much that she would endure a fever of 40 degree or the torment of stomachache for a whole day in school. I'm VERY SORRY then, that I cannot live up to your expectations. I have already admitted long ago that I'm a freaking failure and yes, I'm a big disgrace to the family. Yes. I'm sorry that I have disappointed you. That I have a lousy immune system. I'm sorry that I'm stupid and retarded. I'm sorry that I cannot force myself to sit down and study the whole day like my sister can. I'm sorry that I'm lazy, that I'm not a nerd. That I choose the arts stream because I am a loser in science. I'm sorry that you have to be my mum.

You know what hurts me most? It's when you tell me to redraw from school since I am such a loser. That you threaten to throw me out of the house because you dont want to see me failing in life. You have failed to understand why I'm behaving this way. Do you know what happened on saturday? Do you know what I'm going through? No. You have never asked. All you do is to ring up those freaking old witches who will agree with you that you are right in your decisions and that I'm beyond help.

I want so much to hate you. But I know I never will. Do you know something? When you kept screaming about ringing the school up to redraw me from school, I wanted so much to scream and yell back. But then, what's the point? You will only be angier, and I'll just be losing my voice. And the scariest thing of all is that I actually think that it will be a good idea to quit school now and get out of this house. It will be a form of release. No more pressure to succeed. No more juggling things like school, cca and other problems. No more getting discriminated because I'm in arts. No more putting on that false front. No more trying to hold on to things I cannot control.

Life totally sucks. Let me escape from this nightmare. I dont know what is happening to me recently. I keep getting such terrible mood swings. Blaming myself for getting sick. Losing all motivation. I find myself getting further and further away from things like CCA, or my commitment at MINDS. It's so hard to give genuine smiles lately.

Yes, I admit I hate school. I hate JC life, but I was really unwell today and you have no right to disbelieve me. You keep saying that you will not care about me anymore, then why do you still bother? Let me die and rot. You dont even have to acknowledge me.

March 05, 2006

Bitter and burn

It's 1 am in the morning and I just cant sleep. I think I have been thinking about too much things to even get a good sleep. Anyway, it's a weekend so I guess it should be quite managable. Was feeling kinda down today, studying history and reading modernist literature and world newspapers probably parted a large part in this. Not to mention the whirlwind of emotions I'm experiencing right now...

And so with such negative feelings and thoughts I decided to look for some form of release that will send me into blissful obilivion. An image of my parents drinking before going to bed came to my mind...and I thought, WHY NOT? So to the alcohol cupboard I went and began looking at some of the collections. Eventually I decide to try DOME french liqueur as there was only a quarter of it left.(meaning that my parents have been drinking quite a lot of that) Some time ago, my friends have raved on pouring alcoholic stuff over ice cream for tt "extra" sensation. Being a naturally curious experimentor, I decided to try it. It was quite nice actually...and liqueur is actually quite sweet if you sip it slowly. Then I decide to become adventurous and took a big long gulp of the liquid.

The effect was terrible.

First the extreme bitterness, then the extreme burning sensation that ran from my oesophagus all the way to my stomach. At the same time, my oesophagus reacted by contracting while I tried to prevent myself from puking. My stomach felt as if it was bloated and I started burping in order to feel better. The whole thing was over in seconds but it definitely felt much longer to me.

Never am I gonna touch that vile stuff AGAIN.

Now the after effects. I dont think I'm drunk though my face and ears are definitely pinkish. I'm currently having difficulty typing and I will get confuse suddenly or forget my words, something which SHUWEN is having a great time teasing me about and her trying to get me to confess my secret love. Oh yes..I'm not drunk ok?

I'm sweating like a pig, despite the air con. Damn. I'll stick to my coffee at social gatherings next time. I dont understand why people like alcohol man. Bitter and burn.