To study for the sake of learning
I will be having my block test in two days time. Surprisingly, I'm not feeling anything yet, while almost all my friends are stressing over the lack of time in their revision. It's time to ask myself why. I think the main reason why I'm feeling this way will be that I'm treating the block tests as a practice for myself. My oh-so-wonderful new principal has recently declared that the bottom 20 percent of the cohort shall faced the prospect of being forced to come to school from 9-5 everyday during the june holidays, or if it's really bad, go back to year one.It was also this announcement that has caused so much stress and anxiety amongst the student body.
Personally, I think that the new principal, to put it bluntly, is a highly ambitious man who believes in ruling with threats and intimidation for the sake of improving the school's standings. Well, being the rebellious student that I am, I am definitely not gonna have my feathers ruffled by such feeble attempts to make me study. To be studying just because I'm threatened to will be a shame to my pride. I have recognised that it is actually our responsibility to make the effort to study. It's not about getting good grades, or the fear of being retained. It's about gaining the knowledge and having the interest to like what we are doing.
Therefore, I'm doing things at my own pace. This block test will just be a practice to indicate how much more work I need to put in, which I suspect will be a fairly large amount anyway. Over the past few days I have been studying with the main aim of preparing for the A levels at the end of the year. Hmm...the progress wasnt been very good though, I have so far covered only 50% for each subject, give or take.But at least I feel that I'm actually learning something, and that is progress to me anyway. Special thanks to Allan yesterday for his online tutoring on the keynesian theory with his tablet PC and MSN. Haha. And the discussion with Mrs Gan on tuesday regarding King Lear has also made me developed a strong interest in the book. My findings with Great Expectations also provide some great insights into society's problems and injustice. Yupz. I'm kinda worried for SEA history though. The topic has never grew on me and I still find myself drifting off whenever I start on The Cambridge History To South East Asia. Hmmm...More effort needed I guess..And I am still having some doubts on dealing with source base questions. Argh.
Yeah. I have to admit that I will not be able to complete my revisions in time(Most probably you will find me cramming desprately at the last minute!), and the danger of becoming one of those condemned people under the new totalitarian regime is very real. But then, who cares? At least I know which direction I'm taking. And I'm actually begining to enjoy studying. =)
lovely :)
Monday, March 20, 2006 8:43:00 PM
lovely :)
Monday, March 20, 2006 8:43:00 PM
I think what u feel towards studying is true! Its very much motivation on your own to have interest for the subject, and so to want to read more and discover more abt it. But for me its hard, especially if your efforts aren't rewarded with good marks! Its a very let down and helpless feeling...guess i just have to not give up and study harder! u too! jia you! :)
Thursday, March 23, 2006 5:03:00 PM
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Saturday, March 25, 2006 2:41:00 AM
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