Bitter and burn
It's 1 am in the morning and I just cant sleep. I think I have been thinking about too much things to even get a good sleep. Anyway, it's a weekend so I guess it should be quite managable. Was feeling kinda down today, studying history and reading modernist literature and world newspapers probably parted a large part in this. Not to mention the whirlwind of emotions I'm experiencing right now...
And so with such negative feelings and thoughts I decided to look for some form of release that will send me into blissful obilivion. An image of my parents drinking before going to bed came to my mind...and I thought, WHY NOT? So to the alcohol cupboard I went and began looking at some of the collections. Eventually I decide to try DOME french liqueur as there was only a quarter of it left.(meaning that my parents have been drinking quite a lot of that) Some time ago, my friends have raved on pouring alcoholic stuff over ice cream for tt "extra" sensation. Being a naturally curious experimentor, I decided to try it. It was quite nice actually...and liqueur is actually quite sweet if you sip it slowly. Then I decide to become adventurous and took a big long gulp of the liquid.
The effect was terrible.
First the extreme bitterness, then the extreme burning sensation that ran from my oesophagus all the way to my stomach. At the same time, my oesophagus reacted by contracting while I tried to prevent myself from puking. My stomach felt as if it was bloated and I started burping in order to feel better. The whole thing was over in seconds but it definitely felt much longer to me.
Never am I gonna touch that vile stuff AGAIN.
Now the after effects. I dont think I'm drunk though my face and ears are definitely pinkish. I'm currently having difficulty typing and I will get confuse suddenly or forget my words, something which SHUWEN is having a great time teasing me about and her trying to get me to confess my secret love. Oh yes..I'm not drunk ok?
I'm sweating like a pig, despite the air con. Damn. I'll stick to my coffee at social gatherings next time. I dont understand why people like alcohol man. Bitter and burn.
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