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February 24, 2006

What is wrong?

Check out this link

This issue was brought up by one of the volunteers in MYG-AMK who happened to be a staff working in MOE headquarters. He asked Amelia and me (we are one of the youngest volunteers who are still schooling!) this question. Do you think that it is okay for schools to follow AJC's examples in asking religious groups like Family Life Society to come to talk to students about sex and its risks? My answer will be a definite NO.

Firstly, schools like AJC, or even my junior college, should not try to influence the mindset of 18 year olds through religion. I mean, if it's a school with religious backgrounds I can understand, but junior colleges are suppose to focus more on giving students the right set of moral values to see them through university and life. Promoting religious values is certainly not their top priority. I feel that they should invite a more objective source of information to speak to the students about social issues like sex and AIDS. In fact, I'm thankful to my school for inviting Action For AIDS (If I'm not wrong) last year to talk to us about this issue. They were certainly more factual and less bias.

I was very much appalled to read (or hear from my AJC friends) about how FLS was trying to brainwash students with lies about how condoms arent safe because apparently (I wonder these smarties got their reliable information) the HIV virus can pass through the PORES of the condom material. From what I know in a report by an american science journal and the UN WHO, condoms are suppose to be 99.1% effective in preventing HIV transmssion. Of course, the 0.9% is mainly due to stuff like incorrect useage or contact with other uncovered areas, but I will say that 99.1% is quite high on the safety level. Further more, I disagree with FLS that homosexuality is a MENTAL ILLNESS. Please, there has been so many research done in the recent years showing SCIENTIFIC evidence that homosexuality is not a form of mental illness, there are other causes such as hormone imbalance, genetic malfunction etc. Of course I will not deny that the main factor is still in questionable doubt, but saying that it is a mental illness is like saying elephants are blue. A mental illness is defined as a condition of a brain, and IT CAN BE CURED. Right now there is still a debate going on on whether homosexuality is curable.

Then on the question of abstinence. Personally, I do agree that abstinence is the safest way to prevent any trouble and supports this but I think there is no point telling such stuff to a teenager who has already done it. It is true, that the number of teens who "did it" before they are 18 are on the rise (dont believe me check out straits times), and I dont think these people will believe in such stuff. In fact I think the main focus should be on telling them to play safe, or maybe you can try boring them with all the scientific information. (Like they do in my secondary school science lessons) Using religion or scaring them will not do.

Therefore, all I want to say is that FLS was really lying and scaring students that day. It's not mainly the fact that they are religious and therefore bias, but the fact that they tell lies to the students who might get confuse.(If they are stupid to do so) I dislike the way they tried to get to their objective and deluding the students in the process.

Now on a personal level. I think that given the kind of society we are in today, everyone should just be responsible and are perfectly capable of making choices themselves. If you want to take risk, it's okay. Just make sure that you will not regret all the consequences that follows. Everything has a cause and effect you see. And the government is one big irony churner. Giving baby bonus and then trying to tell people not to have sex. Cause and effect. Haha. What if everyone grew up being conditioned to think that sex is wrong and dirty and thus practise abstinence? The population is sure gonna collapse man. And think of it this way, humans are categorised under animals, meaning, we have survival instincts and producing off springs is one of them. And after a year of analysing the character Angelo in Shakespeare's Measure for Measure, I have learned that the harder one tries to surpress something, the worst it will be when it was finally unleashed. Yeah. Just think about it.

Alright...I'm starting to talk rubbish. I'm still trying to figure out all the blogspot functions so this template might stay for a while. I learnt a new word recently...FUBAR. A wonderful acromyn for..... Ask me if you wanna know. =)


Blogger Faith said...

yar my lovely hamster, we're fubar all the way. HAHA.

Saturday, February 25, 2006 6:25:00 PM

Blogger Shiroi-chan said...

hellooooooo. i'll relink you x)

Wednesday, March 01, 2006 6:00:00 PM


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