All posts in this blog are based solely on my own viewpoints unlesss otherwise stated.Should you disagree with me, either comment on site or just get out.Brainless comments will be remove immediately.

March 26, 2006

Read and laugh


Objective: All students are expected to maintain neat appearance and good personal hygiene.

P Well-groomed and neatly in place
P Not touching the collar or ears
P No long side-burns, moustaches or beards
P No colouring, tinting or highlighting of hair
P Long hair length must be neatly tied up
P No colouring, tinting or highlighting of hair

P No earrings/studs
P Necklaces/Chains must be hidden by the college shirt
P No other types of jewellery is permitted unless due to religious reasons and permission from the college admin is granted
P One ear stud per ear
P No make up to be worn when in college attire
P Necklaces/Chains must be hidden by the college blouse.
P No other types of jewellery is permitted unless due to religious reasons and permission from the college admin is granted

P Must be of acceptable size/not too big
P Must be neatly tucked in
P College pin must be displayed prominently on the left shirt/blouse collar

P Must fit snugly at the waist
P Not too tight-fitting or excessively baggy
P Must fit snugly at the waist
P Must be of approx, 2.5 cm above the knee (max.)

College Tie
P Worn on Wednesdays between 7.30 am to 2.15 pm or whenever instructed to do so
P Tie knot must be positioned at the shirt/blouse collar
P Tip of the tie should reach the upper tip of the college pants/skirt whilst standing

Shoes & Socks
P Must fully conceal the feet
P Height must not exceed the ankle region ie. no high cut shoes or shoes reaching the calf region
P No luminous or unacceptable shoe/lace colours
P Socks must be worn


Serious offences or offences that jeopardises the college reputation or image, eg.:

· Open defiance
· Cheating
· Smoking/Consumption of controlled drugs
· Theft
· Vandalism
· Gambling
· Possession/Distribution of Undesirable materials (eg. Pornography, pirated intellectual property, etc)
· Defaming members of the college staff or inciting ethnic discord (either verbally or in written form ie. In weblogs)
· Other acts that may fall into this category


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