All posts in this blog are based solely on my own viewpoints unlesss otherwise stated.Should you disagree with me, either comment on site or just get out.Brainless comments will be remove immediately.

June 29, 2006


Before I begin this entry, please allow me to say something. Faith bully me!*Wails, engage in hamster like behavior* Bleah. Now I have to do this boring thing meant for EXTREMELY BORING people who are probably twiddling their thumbs in front of their computers, so that the boring people who are probably twiddling their thumbs in front of their computers can stop playing with themselves.XD

10 Favourites

1) Favourite Colour

Blue and Orange...Heehee

2) Favourite Food

Anything with cheese or tomato.

3) Favourite Song

Hmmm, check out some songs from the playlist I'm running now!

The boy with the arab strap---Belle and sebastian

The blues are still blue---Belle and sebastian

Burn this city---Franz Ferdinard

The fallen---Franz Ferdinard

Sailors---Morton Valence


4) Favourite Movie

Lots of them. Generally funny and humorous stuff or those that are meaningful and thought provoking. Well, I'll just list some that I have recently watched.

Goodnight and good luck
-A rather quiet movie which is really fabulous. It's about this famous broadcaster called Edward R Murrow who decide to highlight a controversial issue which he knew would get him into trouble with the authorities. The movie is in black and white, and what I really like about the movie is that there is alot of attention to detail in the movie which you have to observe from the characters. For example, just before Murrow's first broadcast on the issue, he appeared calm and casual to everyone, but if you observe carefully, you can see how nervous he was by the way he smoke, the way he shake his leg, and how he will isolate himself from the rest while he planned out the next broadcast.

The alibi
-The main character rocks. Anyway, it's about this really smart guy who set up this consultant agency providing alibi service to his clients who wanna cheat on their spouses or boy/girl friends. Naturally he was also sought after by powerful criminals who wanted him to cover for their crimes, which he had made it a point not to have anything to do with that. So to worm his way out of trouble from every sides, this guy actually managed to manipulate everyone involved (from criminals to rich men and to policewoman) into a really ingenius plot which solved his problems of getting murdered or arrested. It's really amazing. Haha.

Paradise now

-Ahh, you can backtrack and refer to my old post on this movie.=)

5. Favourite Sport

I love to play all types of balls, particularly soccer. Swimming is good too.

6. Favourite Season

Spring. Where it all begins.

7. Favourite Day of the week


8. Favourite Ice-cream Flavour

Banana. Chunky monkey!

9. Favourite Book

Lots of them. I love everything by Terry Prachett (the Discworld novels) and Douglas Adams( Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy series, Dirk Gently holistic detective agency series). They are excellent satirists who are really accurate in their observations of human behavior nature and behaviour as well as the way they look at the world. And they never never fail to make me laugh. Heehee.

10. Favourite anime/cartoon

Family guy!

1) Current Mood

Cranky, hyperactive, a danger to myself.

2. Current Clothes

Orange OP shirt and this pair of checkered shorts which people like to mistaken for boxers. -__-"

3. Current desktop

Clouds, clouds and more clouds.

4. Current Toenail

What kind of stupid question is this?

5. Current Time


6. Current Annoyance(s)

Nothing much. Maslow's hierachy of needs satisfied. Though I'm getting impatient at this quiz. How much more to go?!

7. Current Thought

What a stupid thing I'm doing now. How to bully Faith. Heehee.

8. Current boyfriend/girlfriend

Heh. Dont have any.

9. Current Book you are reading

Cambridge history of south east asia. I'm lying. It's untouched on my table. XP

1. First Best Friend

How do you define Best?

2. First Crush


3. First Movie

Jurassic Park. OMG. It was the first time I ever went to a cinema and my dad decide to traumatise me with such a scary movie. Was really freaked out, though I said nothing at that time.I still have nightmares on that from time to time. And it took a long time before I will allow myself to step into a cinema again. Even now I get freak whenever they show this movie on TV. But I still like dinosaurs!=)

4. First Piercing

*Cringe* YUCKS. I'm strongly against any type of piercing. Now dont get me started.

5. First Lie

I'm a born liar.

6. First Music

I think it will be voice of my mother as she sang me to sleep every night when I was a tot. X)

7. First Car

I wish.

8. First Handphone

That really kuku Sony Ericsson phone cum tracker device which I got as a well meaning present from my parents when I was in secondary one. It really sucks ok.

1. Last Cigarette

YUCKS. I hate the smell.

2. Last Drink

Plain water.

3. Last Car Ride

This morning. Was rushing to school because I was late again.

4. Last Crush

Why so persistent? Not telling.

5. Last Movie Seen

Scary movie 4. Just watched that this afternoon. Heehee. It's satire and parody again. I seem to like such stuff huh? I wanna watch 4:30 next!

6. Last Phone Call

To my mum I think.

7. Last CD played

Erm, I dont play CDs.

1. Have you ever dated one of your best friends

Hmmm.I dont even know how to define a best friend.

2. Have you ever broken the law

Yes. Like right now. Heehee.

3. Have you ever been arrested

No. Smart people dont get caught.

4. Have you ever skinny-dipped

Nay. I'm not an exhibitionist. Heh.

5. Have you ever been on TV

I think so. But as usual, I wasnt aware of it till people tell me the next day or something.Heehee.

6. Have you ever kissed someone u didnt know

Are you crazy?!

5 things you are wearing

I'm not gonna bother to answer this question.

4 things you have done today

1) Screwed up my literature paper.
2) Watched scary movie 4. I LOVE the UN scene. LOLX. And the vacuum cleaner.
3) Get to understand Shuwen better. =)
4) Sleep.

3 things you can hear right now

1) The Everglow---MAE
2) The fan?
3) Basically I'm deaf to everything else when I'm playing songs in my room.XD

2 Things you can't live without

1) Air.
2) My specs.

1 thing you do when you are bored.

Twiddling my thumbs. While the rest of my body stone away in front of the computer. LOL.

Phew. FINALLY. It's over. Haha.


Blogger siti* said...

What's the 'Maslow's hierachy of needs'?

Friday, June 30, 2006 9:23:00 AM

Blogger QM-pest said...

Haha.It's this theory thought up by this guy call Abraham Maslow. He argued that Man needs to have five levels of needs satisfied before he can develop further and maximise his abilities. The five levels are shown in form of this pyramid, with biological at the base,followed by safety, love/belonging, self respective and at the top, self realisation.

Haha. I sound like a nerd. >___< If you are interested you can look it up here.

Friday, June 30, 2006 8:03:00 PM

Blogger Alicia said...

"so that the boring people who are probably twiddling their thumbs in front of their computers can stop playing with themselves.XD"

Oh Qm! Naughty double entrende there! *shakes finger*

Saturday, July 01, 2006 12:58:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good choice of music. Love Sailors. Such a great song.

Maslow. That just reminds me of scary psychology classes.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006 6:37:00 PM


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