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June 10, 2006


So the four days come and went, after months of planning, rejection, anger, disappointment laced with hope and joy here and there to keep us going. I cant say that it was a good experience, but I cant say that it was very bad either. Many lessons were learnt, and I believe that all of us grew in some way or other after the event was over.

The first and the last day was perhaps the most significant for me, for that's when I find myself learning the most. On the first day, I was tasked to run the game that had merely been thought out and was never tested before. Naturally I anticipated problems. The first major blow was when the venue had to be changed as the volleyballers had to use the hall. I found myself having to think of solutions and take up responsibility immediately especially when my helpers go "It's your game, you have to tell us what to do." A good lesson on leadership I will say. Still, I have to thank my seniors who gave me advices along the way and helped me to realise my mistakes before anything happen. And I'm really glad that the game went well and the participants enjoyed themselves after everything. XP

The last day was rather short, consisting mainly of the closing ceremony. But what was really significant was during the last debrief, which somehow became an emotional trash talk session by the end of it. Well, at least everyone confessed and voiced out their feelings. It was a good time for self reflection too, as we thought of all that we have done throughout the past few months. It definitely wasnt smooth sailing, but we still manage to get through everything in the end.

And now for the highlight of the day. I was walking down this slope, happily smsing on my phone when I somehow tripped over something and fell, spraining my ankle. Gah. The doctor was laughing when I told him how I sprained it. And everyone agreed that I deserved it. Hmpf. Lesson learnt? Dont sms when you are walking down slopes. The doctor said it will take at least a month or two to heal completely. Now watch me while I lame around for the next few days. Haha.

Overall, I'm glad everything turned out well in the end. Now it's time to face reality. I have only two more weeks to somehow cram two years worth of stuff into my head. I dont know how, and I dont think I'm gonna try. At least not that hard. Hmm...Gonna do things at my own pace I guess. Haha. I'm such a bad student. XD


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