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February 06, 2007

What I learnt from work so far:

Working brings out the best in studying. You will never wish so much to be back in school again. (Oh the irony!)

People are people. The people you meet in work will bear uncanny similarities to people you met while in school. (Both the good and bad.)

They call a difficult task a "learning experience".

Your parents cant wait to see you suffer, and so it's better to act like nothing is happening.

You live for lunch hours and pay day.

The art of sleeping discreetly, especially before 10 am and after lunch.

From a friend : Temps are there to do the same work for half the pay.

But you do have lots of fun despite it all. (With the crazy collegues I have..laxatives, chocolate elcairs, accidental confessions..LOL)

Everyone thinks you are rich when in actual fact you are worrying about your finances everyday.

You understand why is everyone's cubicle full of snacks.

Some Dilbert jokes suddenly become all too familar.

MSN is your boredom reliever, as well as your phone.

You wait everyday for fridays.

I'm typing this at work.



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