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March 04, 2008

You know, some days I just want to GIVE UP.

I just want to give up on everything, to let go.

I just want to cease existing, to cut myself loose from that web of connections I have made the moment I was born...even the tiny fragile ones.

I want to ignore all the unspoken cries by the people around me, to stop listening to my own fears, my doubts, my nightmares.

I dont want to care. To be that so called reliable nice person for everyone to take advantage of, to make sacrifices only to be unappreciated.

I dont want to be caught in this madness called life, to be controlled by events streaming from your own and other people's actions.

Or worse, to be controlled by so many uncertainties.

I want to find some form of control over my own life, to be able to make informed choices and not be pushed or pulled by external factors.

Everyone is trying to get a piece of me for their own uses, and I'm afraid there's soon nothing left of myself.

I'm sick of hypocrites,boot-lickers, blame pushers and all that bloody politics.

I hate to be exploited, oppressed, to be denied of my rights.

To suffer and endure it all, yet not knowing what I am doing it for.

Please, someone, just pull the plug please.

Where's that glimmering light of hope,reason and good?

I cant be the only one.


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