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January 01, 2008

New start.

And it's a new year all over again! Well, 2007 was really BAD, and I hope that this year will be so much better than the last. I did some reflections yesterday, thinking of the things that had occured throughout 2007,all the unpleasantness, the disappointments, and the pains. I'm so glad that they are finally over, and even happier still that I have survived through it all! *Round of applause please!* This year is going to be a completely fresh start, though I will be doing some things again, such as applying to the local universities, taking up temporary jobs here and there. But I'm very sure that I will be able to handle it much better than I did last year, and avoid those panic anxiety moments, the really unnecessary stress and depression. No matter what happens, it's my life that I'm leading right? I have the choice to choose where I want it to go! To hell with all those people who tried to bring me down last year,giving me all those unnecessary sufferings. And that unfortunately, includes my parents too. (If they still insist that I follow their wishes again I think I'm moving out once and for all.) Well, I'm never going to fall into their traps again.

Last year was also the year that I realised who my true friends really were. No amount of thanking and expressions of gratitude will do justice to the few who had stood by me and pulled me up whenever I start to fall, giving me the wisdom I need during those dark periods. These are the people whom I think I will treasure for a long time. Thank you for bearing with all my listless rants ever so patiently, knowing exactly what to say that calms me down, believing in me when the whole world seems to think otherwise. And most importantly, thank you for being there for me all the time, never giving up on me during those moments when I was such an unreasonable idiot that threatened the limits of our friendship. I'm really blessed to know you people!=)

And of course, to those who wish to see me die as terribly as possible while falsely give me "advice", TO HELL WITH YOU ALL. Same goes for those who can go "haha" when I'm on the verge of a serious nervous breakdown. If you think it is so funny, let me see what happen to you the next time when you have problems of your own. Well, thanks for showing me this side of yourselves, I'll be more wary next time.

I'm really missing all my friends who are still overseas. Please come back as soon as possible! Okay, I'm not really sure who reads this nearly-defunct-but-occasionally-active blog, but it's ok. Thanks for the postcard Elaine! And Alicia, dont drink too much absinthe please! I heard it causes hallucination when not properly distilled! Jiawei, you owe me something in exchange for those drug-cakes!XD

And now, the usual resolutions and wishes for the new year: (which I promise to try but cant promise I will try)

-Exercise more to strengthen the heart,immune system and flabby muscles. Of immediate importance, I cant be going to the doctor all the time for being sick so easily. Medical fees are so expensive nowadays.

-Reduce sugar and oil intake. I'm keeping to "No soft drinks" pretty well, because I never liked them anyway, and I dont really eat alot of rice, but other hidden sugar like chocolates,biscuits and cakes will need alot more work. I had been trying to cut down on oil intake,like not eating fast food, but somehow my mother always cook and buy fried stuff so it is impossible to not eat them! And what's worse, my siblings cant live without something fried or spicy in every meal! Argh.

-Sleeping regularly, before 1230am. Well, this is a tough one. But I tend to sleep quite early when I am working so I better find a job fast.

-Get that driving license. Yeah, if things dont always crop up on my theory tests days.

-Continue my education. Yeah, another thing which is of immediate importance. I really really want to study now!Let's hope for better luck this time.

-Be partially financially independent. Meaning, get a permanent part time job or earn enough during the first half of the year that will last the other half. Money is really important now especially with the inflation,rising CPI and what other horrors to come (after the boom comes the gloom you know, as taught in economics), and of course, someone's poor domestic financial managing.

Alright, that's all for now! Hopefully, I'll be blogging more often this year. You know it is good news whenever I blog because that means that my life is not stagnant and I'm moving ahead!=)


Blogger Alicia said...

Sounds great! These resolutions seem pretty achievable. OH and by the way, the whole thing about absinthe being a hallucogenic? It's a myth.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008 7:59:00 PM


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