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February 17, 2008

You know, it's only when you grow older and start working that you finally appreciate your parents. Especially when you start to experience for yourself the manure thrown at them year after year, and probably made the same mistakes too.


I'm not even 20 and I'm hating adulthood already.

Office politics sucks. To hell with those female breed of the canines.

I want to go back to school!

On another issue, I have no idea why you did that or if it's because of some technical glitch. Perhaps you want me to talk to you, and to be honest, I really dont know if I should, nor how should I go about doing it. I know you are having lots of problems now, but hey, so am I, and everyone else too. I just want you to know that you are not alone and there's someone else who secretly wish you well, and wants to help you but dont know how. Perhaps one day, we will find enough words and courage to say to each other.

Thanks AUNTY sheep for the Sweeney Todd soundtrack. It is really nice and relevant, especially if you just feel like killing someone from work.XD


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