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January 29, 2008

Surprisingly, working at mafia has been quite an enriching experience so far. I have learnt quite a bit ever since I start work a few weeks ago, and is currently hoping that my contract will be extended for another month or two as it has been quite worth it, despite the long hours.

Working at mafia for example, has made me realise certain things such as how to be more careful about one's choice of words,for even one tiny word can hold very different meaning to the context. I have learnt various ways of presenting information and knowledge, sometimes in order to convey the message in a more bearable manner. I have also learnt to react to situations as calmly as possible, sieving through the real meanings and intentions behind a person's words instead of getting agitated or intimidated when the other party starts to react in an aggressive or dramatic manner. Being in HR has also open my eyes to many other things, such as the way things are done and why do they have to be done that way. And I do things that I think I will not be doing next time, like calling up some confidential departments and pestering them to hurry in their clearance. Hahaha. I have also discovered to my surprise and horror, that I seem to have inherited my dad's workaholic attitude and that I am actually quite a perfectionist when it comes to work! Hahaha... but it is actually not a bad thing right? However, my confidence level still needs some improvement I think, though I'm glad to say that it is certainly way higher than last year. Just give me some time and I'll be back on track soon! =)

I am also fortunate to have met some really wonderful colleagues, like this particular forty year old mum whom I thought was only in her twenties when we first met (she later told me that her secret to her wonderful skin is to stay cheerful and keep smiling always!). She shows me, in her own unique way, the importance of appreciating what you have and to always be positive no matter what happen, for it is often easier than you think. Interacting with this wonderful woman has really enlightened me alot about my attitude towards life, the universe and everything else. Heh.

Still, I will say that the job is quite stressful, though for me it is still at a manageable level. (unlike the poor scholars haha) And some good things do come out of it though. I realise that I do like to be kept busy, and being able to accomplish certain tasks does gives me a sense of satisfaction at the end of the day, even though things screaming "URGENT!", "IMMEDIATE" can be quite irritating at times. I have also finally realise the full use of MEMOS. Those small yellow pieces of paper now take a completely new importance into my working life haha.( And they are very good for "decorating" your workplace too!)

Anyway, that's all for now. I will be blogging about my ad hoc reliief teaching stint next time if I have the time and energy to come online again after work. And Andrea! When can we meet up? I really love the emails we send to each other while at work. I think the CO must be very amuse by the exchange by now lol. Try not to do elephant walk around CBD ok?>.<

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